Engineers play an essential role in shaping the world then and now. Structural Metal Fabricators such as Nepean Engineering helps engineers to achieve today’s projects. But, how about in the future? The future is just a blink of an eye, but the absolute truth is that engineering will still marvel its vast impact around the globe. By building the necessary infrastructures that our society demands, to making inevitable graphics, engineers are indeed needed. They are turning knowledge into full action and always traversing the path from concept to creation.
Ten to twenty years from now, with the fast pace transitions in industry and technology, it is for sure that engineers will transform accordingly and will last long-lasting impact whatever new wonders may appear. Check out these five things that engineers can shape in the future.
Upon discovering the recent and flexible potential of 3D printing, the engineering force immediately moved their way in learning new technologies that are more attainable and approachable for an avid and average user. Just now, the latest technology has stimulated breakthroughs that go beyond the plastic wares, 3D printers now can generate everything from synthetic human organs to actual houses and solar panels.
This is one of the mind-blowing research witnessed in last 2016, exhibiting a miniature energy-harvester that can control low-frequency oscillations similar to those made by pipeline or bridge and converting them to electricity for the wireless sensors. With wireless sensors, you have ample value from monitoring plant engines and oil pipelines to keep track of pollution.
The conventional ceramics were taken a higher step further with control of their architecture at the major nanoscale as the engineers have demonstrated. The final results are ceramics that are strong as conventional ones, but is lighter and can be used in the wide range of applications. Through collaborations with different laboratories, they have been able to create materials with more massive microscale trusses.
In Tel Aviv, Israel, the largest and modern seawater desalination was tenuously created. It can guarantee 20% of the water consumption of the country’s household and water demands. Built and strategized by the Israeli sovereignty by IDE Technologies, this new manufacturing facility uses a traditional technology referred to as reverse osmosis. Anyway, all credits to a series of engineering and materials advance for being able to produce clean water from the sea at the scale that never been done and achieved before.
Most of the leading automotive companies like Ford and Toyota are premiering their new models and concepts. But with the latest advances in technology and in the field- self-driving cars are closer than ever. American transportation is expected to be fully driverless 20 years from now. This means that autonomous vehicles will soon be able to sense their environment without the human effort and input and will eventually more advanced in the next following years.
While engineers are undoubtedly facing challenges of a complex and increasing demand for renovation, innovation and comfort, still they need to adapt to the society continuously. They need to develop their mind of being a professional who can lead the future generation in shaping the world. This is why advancement in Engineering in Australia is very important. We need to push this further!